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News of the Month / February 2019

Introducing IRHA

The International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) is a Swiss NGO headquartered in Geneva. Founded in 2002, our mandate is to promote rainwater as a sustainable resource and to improve rainwater management, reducing the negative impacts of floods, droughts and water scarcity on ecosystems and human communities. IRHA are committed to evolving integrated, sustainable living practices. Cultivating resilient ecosystems and careful resource use assists communities in adapting to climate change.

A quick refresher of  2017 Annual Report ...The 2018 report is coming soon!

This section of our newsletter tends to profile our board members, secretariat staff and partners. But for IRHA's February newsletter, we are introducing the summarised, English version of our 2017 Annual Report. In getting to know us, this document:

- Describes our association's areas of expertise.

- Outlines the five rainwater harvesting programmes that frame our working practice.

- Reviews the projects completed within these programmes during 2017.

- Describes the additional projects that we began to develop in this period.

- Map our activities, showing the continents and countries where we were active in 2017.

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Project Updates

A rainwater harvesting tank, located on the summit ridge of the Kalika-Majthana-Hansapur watershed, Arondaya, Kaski District, Nepal.

Water harvesting for improved water resilience in Nepal

in partnership with NGO Kanchan Nepal

This month the Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment was published. It begins with the observation that 'about half of all humankind directly depends on mountain resources, primarily water'. It also calls for a more holistic policy in responding to environmental and social change within the HKH, where a third of the region's ice fields are expected to melt by 2100.

Given this assessment's call for holistic policy, we are proud that our integrated, rainwater harvesting expertise has increased access to clean drinking water in Nepal's Kaski District since 2011, in collaboration with Kanchan Nepal. This article reviews our recent rainwater harvesting activities in Nepal's Mid-Hills, to advocate for the value of rainwater harvesting in ensuring regional water security.   > Read More

Rainwater Advocacy

An Ice Stupa in the Upper Engadin, Graubünden, Switzerland.

Ice Stupa International: Precipitation Harvesting

Increased water scarcity is anticipated in Switzerland, as well as in Nepal. To learn about the benefits of harvesting snow and ice in the Swiss Alps, Rachel Nisbet spoke to Conradin Clavuot, co-founder of Ice Stupa International. Based in Switzerland's Upper Engadin, this society initially took inspiration from ice stupas constructed in Ladakh when seeking innovative ways to counter the Morteratsch glacier's retreat. Their latest project involves harvesting snow and ice, to supply drinking water for the Lischana Hut, located above the village of Scuol.   > Read more

Funding Opportunities (External)

The AMP (Agency of Micro-Projects) co-finance micro-development projects seeking to improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations. Projects have to be undertaken with a local partner and in eligible countries.

International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance

IEH 2, Ch. de Balexert 9, 1219, Châtelaine - Genève

Tel +41 22 797 41 57
